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Women’s Counselling

Taking the step to talk to someone about domestic violence and abuse is a courageous decision and it is often a difficult one to make.

At DVPC our Advocates are professional and experienced in supporting women who have experienced domestic and family violence. They will listen to you and work with you without judgement. You will never be forced into making any decision that you are not comfortable with.

The process begins with an intake process where skilled staff gather information to assist in identifying how to best respond to your needs. This involves talking with you about what is or has been happening and what supports you may require.

If it is appropriate for you counselling support from one of the DVPC Advocates may be offered. This support can happen either over the phone or face to face. An appointment time will be made with you and this will be confirmed prior to the appointment.

Counselling provides a safe place to discuss, explore and work through experiences of abuse and violence as well as assistance with safety planning. The support and information women gain through counselling often plays an important role in a woman's journey towards healing from the impact of domestic and family violence. Advocates can also provide referrals to a range of other services as required.

Appointments are usually for one hour in duration and services are offered free of charge. If you are interested in making an appointment, please phone us on 07 5532 9000.

What is domestic violence counselling? - Spoken in Farsi

What is domestic violence counselling? - Spoken in Chinese

What is domestic violence counselling? - Spoken in Bosnian

What is domestic violence counselling? - Spoken in Arabic

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