Children and Young People’s Service

purple, green and yellow arches like a rainbowSupporting children and young people aged 4 to 18 years who have experienced or been impacted by domestic and family violence

a yellow wavey line between three purple dots

About DVPC Children and Young People’s Service

This service offers appointments with trained Advocates who are skilled and experienced in working with children and young people.

We provide an environment where children and young people can feel safe to share with the Advocate about anything that is important to them.

Our Advocates work alongside children and young people using a child-centred, non-directive and trauma-informed approach. We know that every child and young person’s story is unique to them, so we tailor the support provided.

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an adult and a child's hand reaching out on a hand drawn orange circle

We can support children and young people…

  • to help make sense of their experience(s);
  • to learn helpful tools and strategies that can assist them with managing and expressing their emotions;
  • to develop an understanding of healthy and positive relationships.

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What children and young people have told us

“I feel really good here, it's fun and I like playing with you and talking with you, I think I will talk about my birthday next time.” — Male (aged 6)

“I didn't really want to talk about anything but now I want to talk to you again some more… I really really like talking to you, I feel good and happy now.” — Female (aged 10)

“Feeling completely free… [the] weight is lifted…” — Male (aged 17)

“I was feeling nervous in my stomach but now I know you’re nice and we can do good things together…” — Female (aged 8)

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What mothers and caregivers have told us

“…she is eager to come back, asking all the time when the next appointment is.” — Mother of female (aged 14)

“[the children] felt heard and got to talk about things they didn’t want to talk about with anyone else.” — Mother of siblings (aged 8 and 10)

“I have seen a lot of changes … I know great work is being done … he really tries to use the mechanisms he learns.” — Mother of male (aged 9)

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It is important for the child or young person to feel comfortable sharing and expressing what is important to them.

Using age-appropriate language, children and young people are advised that what they choose to disclose to the Advocate will remain confidential.

white hand print on a hand drawn purple circle

Information may only be shared in the event that the child or young person discloses that they are at immediate or serious risk of harm to themselves or others.hand-drawn yellow dotted line


Generally, we do not provide formal assessments, reports or specific feedback regarding our work with children and young people.
With the child or young person's consent, Advocates can provide general feedback to support the mother/caregiver in building on any new tools and strategies discussed with the child or young person.
At the end of each session, the child or young person will be invited to provide feedback about their time with the Advocate.

For more information about our Confidentiality and Code of Ethics,please read our Privacy Policy.

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white telephone with sound waves on a hand drawn yellow circle

For further information about this service, please contact us:
(07) 5532 9000 or click here to send an email.

For services wishing to make a referral, please complete our Referral Form.

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Other useful resources and services

Kids Helpline
Free, confidential and available 24/7. Provides online and phone counselling support for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years.
PH: 1800 55 1800

Online, phone and face-to-face support for children and young people aged 12 to 25 years. Offers mental health, physical health, alcohol and drug services, work and study support – and information for parents and caregivers.
PH: 1800 650 890

National support line to access information or advice relating to concerns of child sexual assault and exploitation.
PH: 1800 272 831

Provides anonymous and free LGBTI peer support and referral for people in Australia seeking to access support and information.
PH: 1800 184 527

Provides confidential information, counselling and support via phone or online chat – available 24/7.
PH: 1800 737 732

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