
It’s important for us to receive your feedback about the service and the support we provide because it lets us know what you think and what is important to you. Your feedback gives us valuable information about how we can improve our practice and the services we offer to better meet your needs.

If you have feedback, a compliment or a complaint, about the service or the support you received at DVPC, we want to hear from you!

Talk to us:

If you want an informal chat you can speak with your advocate, otherwise you can ask to speak to a Coordinator who will listen to your feedback and take any necessary actions.

You can talk to us in person or ring us on 07 5591 4222 or 07 5532 9000.

Write to us:

You can write to us at:
Domestic Violence Prevention Centre Gold Coast Inc.
PO Box 3258
Australia Fair QLD 4215

Email us at or use the form below.

Send us your feedback:


You have the right to make a complaint about the service or support they receive from DVPC. Making a complaint will not disadvantage you in anyway. DVPC welcomes feedback and complaints and has processes to respond to your complaint professionally and openly.

What information should I include with my complaint?

When you are making a complaint it is helpful for us to know:

  • Your name
  • The best way to contact you (telephone, email or mail)
  • If it’s safe to contact you
  • What happened and when
  • Who was involved
  • What are you concerned about
  • What you would like to happen

You can make an anonymous complaint but this sometimes makes it difficult for us to investigate a specific issue.

Can I get support to give feedback or make a complaint?

You can ask for a Domestic Violence Advocate to assist you to write your feedback or complaint. You can nominate another person or an organisation to support you or advocate on your behalf.

Can I get translation support to give feedback or make a complaint?

We can arrange an interpreter, or you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service. For more information on this service, visit Ask them to call DVPC on 07 5591 4222 or 07 5532 9000.

What happens after I make a complaint?

We will acknowledge your complaint in writing within seven working days. Sometimes a complaint can be solved immediately and sometimes we will need to contact you for some more information about the issue.

When we investigate your complaint, we may need to speak to staff, review our files or speak to other people who have been involved.

If we are unable to resolve your issue within 28 days, we will let you know and keep you informed of progress.

What happens if I’m not happy with the outcome of my complaint?

You can request that your complaint to be reviewed by DVPC’s Board. This request should be made to the CEO.

An individual may also choose to lodge a complaint with the funding body regarding their grievance or the outcome of the investigation. The appropriate contact within the current funding body is:

Integration Manager Beenleigh
Attention to Women’s Safety and Violence Prevention
(Level 19, State Law Building)
Department of Justice and Attorney-General
GPO Box 149, Brisbane QLD 4001

or you can phone them on: 1800 080 464 (free call)

If you still have questions about the feedback or complaint process please email us on:


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